+386 68 166 404

Povzdignite prostore s toplino lesa

Doživite umetnost profesionalnega mizarstva in polepšajte svoj prostor z Mizarstvom Tonc

Odlikuje nas kakovost in preciznost!

V Mizarstvu Tonc smo specializirani za popolno pohištvo, vrata in kuhinje po meri. Našo prednost odražajo kakovost izdelave in pozornost do detajlov.

Perfect Furniture

Custom-Made Kitchens
Quality Materials
Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table
Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table
Unique Creations

Our perfect furniture is made from a wide variety of quality materials, ensuring durability and style

Our custom-made kitchens are tailored to your specific needs and preferences, creating a space that is both functional and beautiful

Each creation is meticulously handcrafted, bringing your unique vision to life with attention to detail and craftsmanship

Zadovoljne stranke

"Pohištvo Mizarstva Tonc ni le lepo, temveč tudi vrhunsko. Ne bi mogla biti bolj zadovoljna z mojo kuhinjo po meri!"